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FAQs | Artist Community

Frequently Asked Questions for the Artist Community
16 articles
What is Jen?
What makes a good prompt?
What does the JENUINE™ mark indicate?
Can I upload files I’ve been working on and have Jen give me creative ideas?
Can I add vocals to my tracks using Jen?
I put an artist name in my prompt, why doesn’t Jen generate songs that sound like that artist?
Am I able to export stems from Jen?
What is the quality of the audio file created on Jen?
Do I own the tracks I make on Jen?
Can I share the content I create on Jen on social media?
Are the songs I generate on Jen subject to copyright protection?
Jen doesn’t perfectly generate certain instruments and genres, why?
What catalogs has Jen been trained on?
What do you mean when you say Jen is ethically-trained?
What is the Fairly Trained Certification and how does it apply to Jen’s AI models?
Am I allowed to re-record, sample, or otherwise repurpose the content I generate on Jen?