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FAQs | Companies & Brands

Frequently Asked Questions for Brands
17 articles
What is Jen?
What makes a good prompt?
What does the JENUINE™ mark indicate?
Can I upload files I’ve been working on and have Jen give me creative ideas?
I put an artist name in my prompt, why doesn’t Jen generate songs that sound like that artist?
What is the quality of the audio file created on Jen?
Am I allowed to re-record, sample, or otherwise repurpose the content I generate on Jen?
Is it guaranteed that all tracks I create using Jen will be entirely unique or is there a chance that someone else might get the same track from a similar input?
Can I share the content I create on Jen on social media?
Do I own the tracks I make on Jen?
Are the songs I generate on Jen subject to copyright protection?
Do I have commercial rights to the tracks I create using Jen?
Jen doesn’t perfectly generate certain instruments and genres, why?
What catalogs has Jen been trained on?
What do you mean when you say Jen is ethically-trained?
What is the Fairly Trained Certification and how does it apply to Jen’s AI models?
What blockchain does Jen use for cryptographic hashing?